What Is the Average Teacher Salary in Massachusetts?
The average teacher salary in Massachusetts is slightly above the national average salary of teachers in the United States. The teacher salary in Massachusetts will also vary according to educational qualifications, school district, the grade taught, and years of experience.
If you’re wondering, what is the average teacher salary in Massachusetts,’ continue reading. This article will cover the average salary and general requirements to become a teacher in Massachusetts. This includes all levels of teachers, from kindergarten to high school teachers, as well as technical education and substitute teachers.
What Is the Average Teacher Salary in Massachusetts?
The average teacher salary in Massachusetts is $47,396. This figure applies to entry-level jobs. Teachers with a master’s degree and prior experience can earn about $82,836, according to the National Education Association (NEA).
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) estimates the average base salary of a teacher in Massachusetts working at public elementary and secondary schools to be $86,315, with a 2.6 percent increase since 2009.
What Is the Average Salary of a Teacher in the United States?
The average salary of a teacher in the United States is $65,090, according to the NCES. This statistic includes full-time teachers only. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the overall median pay for high school teachers is $61,820 while the median pay for kindergarten and elementary school teachers is $61,350, except for those dealing with special education.
Average Teacher Salary in Massachusetts: K—12
Level | Number Employed in Massachusetts | Average Salary in Massachusetts | Average Salary in the United States |
Kindergarten Teachers | 2,650 | $85,470 | $60,900 |
Elementary School Teachers | 30,640 | $83,790 | $61,400 |
Middle School Teachers | 13,730 | $85,740 | $61,320 |
High School Teachers | 24,900 | $85,360 | $61,820 |
Basic Requirements to Become a Teacher in Massachusetts: K—12
- Bachelor’s Degree. The minimum requirement for all prospective teachers for K-12 grade levels is a bachelor’s degree. A four-year degree in education is usually required, and prospective teachers may wish to specialize in one particular field.
- Educator Preparation Programs. To become a K–12 teacher in Massachusetts, you have to complete a state-approved teacher preparation program to become a part of the childhood education system in the state of Massachusetts.
- Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Exams. To apply for a preliminary teaching license, you have to pass the content area MTEL exams for the grade levels you want to teach. Your initial license will be valid for ten years after which your career can advance towards a professional license.
How to Become a Kindergarten Teacher in Massachusetts
To become a Kindergarten teacher in Massachusetts, a bachelor’s degree in teaching early childhood education through a state-approved educator program is required. Apart from a bachelor’s degree, you need to go through a state-approved educator program in childhood education.
How to Become an Elementary School Teacher in Massachusetts
To become an elementary school teacher in Massachusetts, you need to have a bachelor’s degree and finish a state-approved teacher preparation program. You also have to clear the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) exams for general curriculum, mathematics, and foundations of reading.
How to Become a Middle School Teacher in Massachusetts
To become a middle school teacher in Massachusetts, you need to have a bachelor’s degree or an alternative state-approved certification in childhood education focused on the grade levels you want to teach. You also need to clear the relevant content area MTEL exams for those grade levels. After meeting these requirements, you can apply for an initial license which is valid for ten years.
How to Become a High School Teacher in Massachusetts
To become a high school teacher, you need a bachelor’s degree in the subject you want to teach. You also need to go through a state-approved teacher preparation program and clear the general teaching certification test and your subject-specific MTEL exams. Finally, you must pass a background check.
Average Teacher Salary in Massachusetts: Other Types of Teachers
Type | Number Employed in Massachusetts | Average Salary in Massachusetts | Average Salary in the United States |
Preschool Teachers | 12,580 | $43,710 | $30,210 |
Career and Technical Education Teachers | 2,960 | $90,060 | $61,160 |
Adult Basic Education Teachers | 1,550 | $57,110 | $59,720 |
Substitute Teachers | 6,420 | $39,830 | $30,100 |
Requirements to Become a Teacher in Massachusetts: Preschool
- Complete a Bachelor’s Degree. Some states do not require preschool teachers to hold a bachelor’s degree, but if you want to become a preschool teacher in Massachusetts, you need to finish a bachelor’s degree program.
- Childhood Education Preparation Program. After you have completed your bachelor’s degree, you will need to complete a state-approved educator preparation program in child education. This leads to certification which you can use to apply for an early educator teaching license.
- Early Educator Teaching License. Finally, you must apply for an initial license as an early educator or a preliminary one. This early educator teaching license leads to a professional license pathway.
Requirements to Become a Teacher in Massachusetts: Career and Technical Education
- Associate Degree in a Technical Subject Area. To become a career and technical education teacher in Massachusetts, you must have an associate degree in the technical area you will be teaching.
- Work Experience in the Technical Field. If you do not possess any previous educational experience, the required work experience in your professional field will be more than enough if you already possess an initial license.
- Passing Subject Matter Tests. To earn the right to teach critical skills and provide career advice to school-aged children, you must pass a written and performance vocational test in your subject matter with a score higher than 70.
- Passing the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Finally, you need to clear The Vocational Technical Literacy Skills Test and The Communication and Literacy Skills Test by MTEL to be eligible for a preliminary license in a career and technical education.
Requirements to Become a Teacher in Massachusetts: Adult Basic Education
- A High School Degree or GED. You don’t need a bachelor’s degree in education to be an adult basic education teacher in Massachusetts, but the minimum educational requirement is a high school degree and education credits in teaching.
- Clear the Relevant Tests. You need to clear the Communication and Literacy Skills Test and the Adult Basic Education (ABE) subject matter test from MTEL.
- Provisional License. Once you are done with your educational requirements and have cleared your skills and Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure exam in ABE, you can apply for a provisional license to teach ABE to adult students.
Requirements to Become a Substitute Teacher in Massachusetts
- High School Diploma or GED. Substitute teachers in Massachusetts do not need to have a bachelor’s degree or even a teaching license if they are planning to teach short-term. However, a high school diploma or equivalent is required.
- Taking a Department-approved Course of Study. You must take a department-approved course of study recommended by the school where you want to work as a substitute teacher. Each school may have its own substitute teacher training program.
- Passing a Department-approved Test. After completing the department-approved orientation course, you must pass a test that assesses your subject matter knowledge and teaching skills. If you meet these three criteria, you can work as a substitute teacher in Massachusetts.
Average Teacher Salary in Massachusetts: Special Education
Special Education Level | Number Employed in Massachusetts | Average Salary in Massachusetts | Average Salary in the United States |
Preschool | 700 | $81,800 | $62,420 |
Kindergarten and Elementary | 5,410 | $77,540 | $61,640 |
Middle School | 2,290 | $77,540 | $61,820 |
High School | 3,580 | $77,910 | $62,120 |
Requirements to Become a Teacher in Massachusetts: Special Education
- Bachelor’s Degree To become a special education teacher in Massachusetts, you need to have a bachelor’s degree with a major in special education. Alternatively, you can get a certification after your bachelor’s degree in special education.
- State-approved Teacher Preparation Program. You also need to go through a specialized state-approved teacher training program and learn the critical skills required to become a special education advocate.
- Pass State-required Tests. You need to pass the relevant MTEL exams to receive your initial license in special education. The teacher ratio for special education teachers teaching preschool is really low. Due to this teacher shortage, this position pays extremely well.
Is a Teacher’s Salary in Massachusetts Worth My Time and Money?
Yes, a teacher’s salary in Massachusetts is worth your time and money. According to the salary data collected from the BLS, the annual salary of a teacher in Massachusetts is better than most other states in the country.
Aside from the salary satisfaction, relocation assistance, career options, and opportunities for advancement, simply finding an impressive student with promise is reason enough to teach in Massachusetts.
Teacher Salary in Massachusetts FAQ
How much money do teachers make in Massachusetts?
Teacher salary in Massachusetts varies by grade, location, and school district. The occupational employment and wages vary by grade range but the salary for a private school teacher can make $114,766 while a public school teacher of the same grade range can make $66,269.
What does a first-year teacher make in Massachusetts?
According to ZipRecruiter, a first-year teacher in Massachusetts makes around $72,360 per year in 2022. This is the equivalent to around $35 per hour, $1,399 per week, or $6,060 per month.
Are teachers paid well in Massachusetts?
Teachers in elementary and secondary education are paid well. The teacher salary in Massachusetts varies by region, location, and whether you teach in a public or private school. A teacher with an initial teaching license pays less than a professional license. Teachers also benefit from life insurance, disability insurance, health insurance, and a flexible schedule.
What is the highest-paid teacher state?
New York is the highest-paid teacher state with a yearly average salary of $77,867 while Maine has the lowest at $47,353. New York teachers earn 1.6 times more than Maine teachers. Special education teachers in New York can earn up to $86,876 in the 75th percentile.